Today I woke up at 9:30 in the morning. I've been trying to fix my sleep schedule. I worked on my site till 3:00 PM. At 6:38 PM I went on a run, in 17 minutes I made it to my 1.5 mile mark then walked back home, I got home at 7:30 PM. I fell asleep at 11:30 PM.
I woke up today at 8:00 AM. I went on to take a shower, make food, play games, and watch some anime till 4:00 PM. I left early and went to my classes. I'm in Adult ED classes to get my High School Diploma. I left early around 6:40 PM after I had finished my unit 4 exam. I walked about a mile to my friend's house where I applied to a few jobs online. I got home at 8:30 PM. I ended up falling asleep around 1:30 AM.
Today I had a late start waking up at 9:00 AM and did nothing till 11:30 AM. I played games then worked on my online classes till 4:30 PM. I went to my class and worked on more of my online class till 5:30 PM, after I walked to my friend's house to be picked up. At 7:00 PM my dad picked me up and we went to the store to pick up food for tonight, I got home at 8:00 PM. I fell asleep at 1:00 AM.
Again today I woke up late around 10:00 AM. I played games till 12:30 PM, after that I listened to anime as I worked on my online classwork. I stopped working on my classwork at 1:20 PM and started to workout. I did push ups and sit ups till 2:00 PM, the rest of the time till 4:00 PM I watched youtube then got ready to go to my class. At 6:30 I was picked up and my dad and I went to the store for grocery shopping. We got home at 10:00 PM and as soon as we started to put the stuff away our power went out, the power lines were being worked on, we started up the generator. I missed my walk after my class, so I'm counting my walk around the store. I fell asleep around 2:30 AM.
Today I woke up earlier at 8:30 AM. We had power once again. I played games, watched anime and worked on some classwork. I decided not to go to class today. I pretty much was being a lazy bum all day. Around 10:30 PM I went on my 1.5 mile run making it in 17 minutes and 30 seconds. When I got home I took a bath, I was so exhausted I fell asleep in the water. I woke up around 2:00 AM and went to bed, falling back to sleep around 2:30 AM.
Last night I had a horrible sleep. I kept waking up then falling asleep all night all while every inch of me was sore. I woke up at 2:30 PM, if I had gotten full sleep it would have been 12 hours of sleep, but I really do not know how long I was really asleep for. I dont have classes on Fridays through Sundays so I spent the day playing games, watching youtube and researching foods, workouts and stretches. At 8:13 I went on my 1.5 mile run and made it to my mark in 16 minutes and 47 seconds, almost a full minute faster than the night before, it was also my best time yet by 13 seconds. I am very proud of the time I made but my goal is to make the run in 13 minutes. When I got home it was around 9:30, I talked with my dad and his friend then took a shower. I fell asleep around 3:00 AM.
Last night I got much better sleep. I woke up at 11:30 AM. I played games, watched some anime, and was a bum in my room till 7:00 PM. I stretched till 7:42 PM then went on my run. For the first 30 or so seconds of my run my legs hurt like hell but it faded into nothing, it felt amazing. The same thing happened yesterday but I didn't write about it. I made it to my 1.5 mile mark in 16 minutes and 20 seconds! That beat yesterday's time by 27 seconds! I did not think I would beat yesterday's time so easily. I was not putting my all into this run and I think I could make it to my mark in 16 minutes flat. Once I was at my mark I did a light workout and stretched again. Once I decided to go home I wanted to run still so I timed my way home with similar pacing, the way back is all uphill. When I reached my home it took me 22 minutes on the dot. I took a shower as soon as I got home, then ate my food. Never in my life had food looked, smelled and tasted so appealing. The moment it hit my tongue it was all I could think about. I ate far more than I normally would have. When I finished I felt so unsatisfied like there was a fire in my gut that wanted more.